Thursday, April 28, 2011

Day 1 of Toddler Turn-around

Well...I survived the first day of purging Olivia from her demanding toddler ways. Here is a summary:

7:30am - Olivia asked Wayne for juice. When he told her she needs to sit down to drink (rather than carry the glass around) she collapsed on the floor with her face in her hands wailing loudly. After a minute she got up and started to climb onto the chair...and as soon as Wayne said something like "That's right...climb up here" she collapsed on the floor AGAIN and started wailing. [sigh] She did eventually sit to drink her juice.

8:30am - Olivia asked for a movie. I said no. She immediately started crying and shedding HUGE crocodile tears. I took her downstairs and tried to engage her in some toys...which must have worked because we managed to make it all the way until 5:00pm before a movie was put in...and that was just so I could cook supper. Woohoo! (The last 2 days while she was sick she watched 3 movies each day...yikes!)

Nap Time - The last few days we had been singing multiple songs, allowing her to keep us in her room and allowing various people to go in and sing to her when she requested it. Today I only sang one song, kissed her, and walked out. She tried to catch me before I closed the door, but then only cried for 1 minute! She made it back to her bed and then slept for 2 1/2 hours!

Noon - Olivia asked for a drink. When I told her she needed to sit down to drink it, she immediately climbed onto her chair! Hooray! No tears!

The rest of the day is a bit of a blur. I know that I gave her a juice box when I should have said no (realized too late...such a habit!), I allowed her to play in our shower too long (didn't realize it was so far past her bedtime!), and am sure I gave into her manipulative ways without realizing it at other times. However...we've taken the first step...seen a little success...and will do a little better tomorrow.

Before I know it, I'll have a perfectly behaved toddler who never throws tanturms! ... Bwahahahahahahah...YEAH RIGHT!


  1. Good Job to you and Olivia! I don't know why you're laughing about having a perfectly behaved toddler, all your other children are PERFECT ANGELS!... I am only half joking... I love your girls!

  2. My 2 year old Bryn went thru a nasty stomach bug last week, and we also let her get away with a lot since she was so miserable. And she's been pretty grumpy ever since we brought her baby brother home from the hospital (on her birthday, no less). I've also decided it's time to curb the toddler behaviour. So tonight, when she was wailing that she wanted me at bedtime, I went in and told her if she would stop crying until I was able to come (I was making cinnamon buns and had to get them rising), then I would stay with her for a little bit. That has never worked before, but tonight she didn't make a peep for about 15 minutes! Yay for progress!

  3. perfect. next you can come to my house and train my kids!
