Saturday, July 9, 2011

Organizing the School Papers!

Ever since Laura and Melissa were little, they've had small file boxes (1/2 the size of a bankers box) to put their special artwork and papers in. Then as they've brought home stuff from school, they've put their "special" school items in their as well. The only problem is...their boxes were overflowing and it was difficult to go through and enjoy because it was just loose paper with no order.

Today...that changed.

Thanks to one of my favorite blogs, I was enlightened to take "The Box" to the next level of organization. I bought 3 plastic, stack-able file boxes, enough hanging folders for each grade plus 2 more for ages 2-3 and ages 4-5, and had the girls organize everything by age/grade. It is a beautiful thing to have a specific spot to put a much loved drawing or report...and a beautiful thing to have all of the school stuff put away!

BEFORE sorting this years work...

AFTER getting everything from everywhere sorted and filed....

and our not so helpful HELPER!Hope you are all enjoying your summer holidays so far!!!

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