Saturday, August 13, 2011

The Motor Home

First of all...I can't believe it's been a month since I've been on here. I wish I could say it was because we were away on a fantastic family vacation for a month. Sadly...I don't have a great excuse like that. Very simply...I have 5 kids who adore me and want all my attention during the summer. ;)

So, we have friends who purchased a motor home this summer, and they offered to let us borrow it. Wayne and I were quite thrilled as I have chickened out from camping for the last 2 summers because I didn't want to tent it with small kids. So we thought this would be the PERFECT way for us to enjoy camping together.

Yeah. Right.

I spent an entire day baking goodies and packing up the motor home. And then when Wayne got home we loaded the smaller kids in the van (motor home didn't have enough room for ALL of us) and Wayne took the older kids in the very exciting "BUS" as Olivia calls it. And we drove to a beautiful camp ground.

We got there late enough that after a snack it was time to put the two little kids down to sleep. That is when the "romance" of the vacation took it's first dive. They both cried...or shall I say SCREAMED for about 30 minutes before finally going to sleep. And then because they were asleep I wouldn't let anyone else make any noise fearing they would wake up the little kids. So after about 20 minutes of reading...we all went to bed.

I was so exhausted from previous late nights that I thought I would sleep deep the whole night. Yeah...not so much. I laid awake FOREVER and then woke up frequently throughout the night for no good reason.

So, when morning came nice and early for my two "babies"...I was NOT ready to get up. But we did. Did you know that a family of 7 is VERY crowded in a motor home made to sleep 6? Yep... it is. And for a person who gets a bit claustrophobic with LOTS of people in small wasn't really that enjoyable. Not one of my finer moments.

We did have some nice moments...when we went on a hike...went to the playground...watched Pamela walk while holding one hand...and many other cute moments. But overall, it was very stressful for me because of the two little ones who seemed to be whining/crying due to lack of sleep a lot of the time. So...I came home early with the babies...and Wayne stayed with the older ones so they could REALLY enjoy the motor home.

I should mention though, that had we chosen a camp ground that had water where the girls could play, or had other activities to do, I believe our experience would have been different. I hope so anyway...because I really WANT to like camping...but right now I don't.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, Lisa, I am so sorry things turned out like that! I don't blame you for not liking camping right now. I refused to camp while we had a child in diapers. It was because I need to be able to really wash my hands after changing a diaper. Now I realize that it also meant that naps were over with as well. I hope that sometime later you'll have a great experience, because it really CAN be so fun.
